Oracle Background Processes - System Monitor (SMON)
Oracle Background Processes - System Monitor (SMON) :
SMON stands for system monitor process is the most critical background process for Oracle Database. It performs critical tasks such as instance recovery,dead transaction recovery and maintenance tasks such as temporary space reclamation, data dictionary cleanup, and undo tablespace management.
- It is a mandatory background process for running an Oracle instance.
- It is the heart of oracle architecture.It performs all system monitoring functions on the oracle database, SMON checks regularly to see whether it is needed. Other processes can call SMON if they detect a need for it.
- It checks the space of SYSTEM tablepace and if it is running short of it displays an error message.
- SMON wakes up periodicaly to perform housekeeping activities like cleanup of temporary segments that are no longer needed.
- It also coalesces contiguous free extents in dictionary managed tablespaces that have PCTINCREASE set to a non-zero value.
- It also removes the unwanted data from UNDO which is committed and passed the time interval specified by UNDO_RETENTION parameter.
- It Maintains the SCN to time mapping table used to support Oracle Flashback features.
- If the database is crashed (power failure) and next time when we restart the database SMON observes that last time the database was not shutdown gracefully. Hence it requires some recovery, which is known as INSTANCE CRASH RECOVERY. SMON performs the instance crash recovery before the database is completely open by doing rollforward & rollback of trancations :
- If it finds any transaction committed but not found in the datafiles, will now be applies all changes from redolog files to datafiles (rollforward).
- If SMON observes some uncommitted transaction which has already updated the table in the datafile, is going to be treated as a in doubt transaction and will be rolled back with the help of before image available in rollback segments (rollback).
- In RAC, the SMON process of one instance can perform instance recovery for a failed CPU or instance as well.
- To view its running, grep it on Linux: ps -ef | grep smon
For more details refer : (Doc ID 1495163.1)
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