Steps on converting a Physical Standby database to Snapshot Standby database
on converting a Physical Standby database to Snapshot Standby database:
1) Check
if Flashback is enabled or not. For this conversion is achieved using flashback
database, but the physical standby database does not need to have flashback
database explicitly enabled. Even if the flashback is not enabled explicitly
the conversion will work. But Flash Recovery Area should have configured on the physical standby
set serveroutput on long 2000000 longchunksize 20000 pagesize 50000 linesize 1000;
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify on echo off heading on;
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
show parameter db_recovery_file_dest
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify on echo off heading on;
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
show parameter db_recovery_file_dest
2) Stop Redo Apply, if it is active.
dgmgrl sys/<password>@<PRIM/STDBY>
dgmgrl sys/<password>@<PRIM/STDBY>
show database
edit database 'STDBY' set state = 'APPLY-OFF';
edit database 'STDBY' set state = 'APPLY-OFF';
database 'STDBY';
process, status, thread#, sequence#, block#, blocks from gv$managed_standby;
alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
select process, status, thread#, sequence#, block#, blocks from gv$managed_standby;
3) Disable Fast Start Failover if it enabled and
dgmgrl sys/<Password>@<PRIM/STDBY>
dgmgrl sys/<Password>@<PRIM/STDBY>
show configuration
disable fast_start failover;
show configuration
disable fast_start failover;
show configuration
4) Change protection mode to maximum performance if any other.
dgmgrl sys/<Password>@<PRIM/STDBY>
dgmgrl sys/<Password>@<PRIM/STDBY>
show configuration
edit configuration set protection mode as maxperformance;
show configuration
edit configuration set protection mode as maxperformance;
show configuration
set serveroutput on long 2000000 longchunksize 20000 pagesize 50000 linesize 1000;
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify on echo off heading on;
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
alter database set standby database to maximize performance;
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify on echo off heading on;
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
alter database set standby database to maximize performance;
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
5) If the standby database is a RAC setup then
we need to shutdown all the instances except one on which we will be using the
conversion commands and it should be open in mount state. If it’s a standalone
open it in mount state.
srvctl stop database -d STDBY -o immediate
srvctl stop database -d STDBY -o immediate
start instance -d STDBY -i STDBY1 -o mount
shutdown immediate
6) Ensure that the database is mounted and in sync
with primary.
set serveroutput on long 2000000 longchunksize 20000 pagesize 50000 linesize 1000;
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify on echo off heading on;
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
select arch.thread# "thread", arch.sequence# "last sequence received", appl.sequence# "last sequence applied", (arch.sequence# - appl.sequence#) "difference" from (select thread#, sequence# from gv$archived_log where (thread#, first_time ) in (select thread#, max(first_time) from gv$archived_log group by thread#)) arch, (select thread#, sequence# from gv$log_history where (thread#, first_time ) in (select thread#, max(first_time) from gv$log_history group by thread#)) appl where arch.thread# = appl.thread# order by 1;
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify on echo off heading on;
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
select arch.thread# "thread", arch.sequence# "last sequence received", appl.sequence# "last sequence applied", (arch.sequence# - appl.sequence#) "difference" from (select thread#, sequence# from gv$archived_log where (thread#, first_time ) in (select thread#, max(first_time) from gv$archived_log group by thread#)) arch, (select thread#, sequence# from gv$log_history where (thread#, first_time ) in (select thread#, max(first_time) from gv$log_history group by thread#)) appl where arch.thread# = appl.thread# order by 1;
7) Perform the conversion from physical standby
to snapshot standby database.
show configuration
convert database standby to snapshot standby;
show configuration
convert database standby to snapshot standby;
show configuration
set serveroutput on long 2000000 longchunksize 20000 pagesize 50000 linesize 1000;
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify on echo off heading on;
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
alter database convert to snapshot standby;
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify on echo off heading on;
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
alter database convert to snapshot standby;
8) The database is dismounted during this
conversion and we have to restart the database, which will be the snapshot
standby database.
srvctl stop instance -d STDBY -i STDBY1 -o immediate
srvctl stop instance -d STDBY -i STDBY1 -o immediate
start database -d STDBY
shut immediate
startup mount
alter database open
alter database open
9) Check for database role, open mode & Restore point
create by this conversion.
set serveroutput on long 2000000 longchunksize 20000 pagesize 50000 linesize 1000
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify off echo off heading on;
col name for a40
col scn for 9999999999999999999999
col time for a40
col guarantee_flashback_database for a30
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
select name, scn, time, guarantee_flashback_database, storage_size, database_incarnation# from gv$restore_point;
set serveroutput on long 2000000 longchunksize 20000 pagesize 50000 linesize 1000
set trimspool on time on timi on feedback on verify off echo off heading on;
col name for a40
col scn for 9999999999999999999999
col time for a40
col guarantee_flashback_database for a30
col db_unique_name for a15
select db_name, a.db_unique_name, b.instance_name, b.instance_role, a.database_role, a.open_mode, a.protection_level, a.fs_failover_status, a.dataguard_broker, a.log_mode, a.force_logging, a.flashback_on from gv$database a, gv$instance b;
select name, scn, time, guarantee_flashback_database, storage_size, database_incarnation# from gv$restore_point;
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